The PCR machine takes up to 8 tubes of DNA samples and runs them through a three step temperature and hold profile for a specified number of cycles. If the temperatures and hold times, primers, Taq, and nucleotides have all been added appropriately, then the number of target genes or strands will be doubled at the end of each cycle. The three steps in each cycle are Denaturation, Primer Annealing, and Elongation where each step occurs at a specific temperature for specific hold time. Given here is a brief description of each element of the PCR machine.
- LCD Panel. The LCD panel displays status information about the current PCR run. The top line shows the current
temperature and time remaining for the current step, the second line shows the number of cycles that have been completed, and the last line displays the current PCR operation.
- Control Panel. The control panel consists of the green Start button and the red Cancel button. These buttons are used to start and stop a PCR run.
- Lid. The lid on the PCR machine must be opened before adding sample tubes. The lid is opened and closed by clicking on the lid.
- PCR Controls in Setup and Live Data menus. The PCR section in the Setup menu is used to specify the temperatures and dwell times for each of the three PCR steps. The Live Data PCR section can also be used to start, stop, and reset the experiment, and displays an animation of the PCR process at the molecular scale while the PCR experiment is running.