The purpose of the Systematics laboratory is to allow students to classify a selected species into taxa using the traits or characters of the species. The classification can be performed using a traditional ranked system or simultaneously by building a cladogram-type structure or tree. The ultimate goal is for students to determine the taxonomy of a species or set of species to visualize the different taxonomic relationships. Various classification schemes are provided including a simple, Linnaean, three domain, six kingdom, and a scheme based on the Tree of Life. A glossary is also provided as well as several approaches to classifying the species.
To explore various taxonomic relationships, students will first select a classification scheme and then proceed to select taxa, which ultimately culminates in defining the genus and species. The taxonomy is displayed in the laboratory simultaneously as a traditional rank-based list but also in a cladogram-type structure (referred hereafter as a tree) that branches to show the relationships amongst the different taxa. Students can view the traits or characters that define each taxon in Live Data. A glossary is also provided to help define important terms used in the trait or character definitions.