The essential features of the laboratory are described as follows:
- Back. Clicking the back button exits the gases laboratory and returns the user to the portal.
- Gas Cylinders. All available gases for the different gas experiments are located to the right of the table. A gas is selected by clicking on one of the cylinders. For the balloon, pressure, and temperature experiments, clicking on the cylinder brings it forward with a regulator attached where gas can then be added to the experiment. For the cylinder experiment, selecting a gas attaches the cylinder to the experimental chamber. The gas cylinders are grouped into two sets: the first is a set of ideal, real, and van der Waals gases and the other is a set of ideal gases with varying molecular weights. The a and b parameters for the van der Waals gas can be changed by clicking on the van der Waals cylinder label. Units for the a and b parameters must be in L·atm.
- Table. The table is where the gas experiments are placed after they have been selected from the stockroom tab.
- Stockroom. Clicking on the stockroom tab brings the user to the stockroom view. Any one of the four gas experiments can be selected and brought out to the laboratory.
- Live Data. Clicking on the live data tab displays to the user any relevant data pertaining to instruments being used at the time. The live data tab will be blank if no relevant data is available. Users can click on the various buttons in the live data tab to save data, manipulate the instruments, and adjust parameters. Any data saved is automatically sent to the lab notebook.
- Lab Book. The lab book is used to record procedures and observations while performing experiments in the virtual laboratory. Data from the experiments can also be saved as links in the lab book where it can then be copied and pasted into an external spreadsheet program for further analysis. Any data saved in the lab book is immutable and cannot be changed. All entires are timestamped. The lab book can also be exported as a PDF.
- Presets. The presets tab has two sections. The first, Lab Presets, are presets created by Beyond Labz that correlate to activities designed by Beyond Labz. The second, My Saved Lab, will contain a list of the users saved lab states.
- Save Lab. Clicking this button will add the lab in its current state to the users saved labs. The list of saved labs can be access from the presets tab.
- Real/Ideal Gases.The Real Gas/Ideal Gas switch located on the front of the table changes the gas cylinders to either a set of real gases or a set of ideal gases. The real gases consist of N2, CO2, CH4, H2O, NH3, and He as well as one ideal gas and a van der Waals gas. The ideal gases are composed of eight ideal gases with different molecular weights. The set of ideal gases can be added to the balloon, pressure, and temperature experiments in any combination to form ideal gas mixtures obeying Dalton's Law of partial pressure.
- Reset Lab/Clear Lab.Clicking the Reset Lab button on the front of the table in the laboratory or the Clear Lab button at the bottom of the tray will automatically clear the laboratory and return any equipment back to its appropriate location in the stockroom. Clicking the Reset button on the experiment itself when it is set up on the table will remove any gas from the experiment and return the values and units of the variables to their default values.
- Bell. The bell located on the stockroom counter is used to open the Beyond Labz support page.